The Sidney Prize is awarded monthly to a piece of journalism that demonstrates “investigative journalism in service of social and economic justice.” Nominations can be made for an article that appears in a newspaper, magazine, or online. The winner receives a $500 honorarium and a certificate designed by New Yorker cartoonist Edward Sorel. The Sidney Prize is named in memory of a Trent University student who died while trying to fight for human rights in China. The award is presented in partnership with the Chinese Canadian Foundation for Democracy and the Toronto YMCA. The award is open to all students from the University and to those who have written an essay about a topic related to the values of the Prize. The essay can be about anything relating to the value of human rights or the work of the Prize’s founder, Dr. David Lidington.
The first prize was given in 2022 to a piece of scholarship that explicitly explores the multiple intersections and junctures between race/ethnicity and technologies in a global intellectual history context. This is part of SHOT’s collective commitment to addressing systemic and epistemic racism at our institution and in the global intellectual field it represents.
This prize is awarded annually to a graduate student for an outstanding essay on any topic in the history of technology. The prize was founded by the estate of Donald Chase, a former Trent History Department faculty member and Master of Lady Eaton College. It is donated by his family and friends in memory of his love for Canada and its history.
In partnership with the Mercer University Spencer B. King Jr Center for Southern Studies, this prize recognizes a student’s work that contributes to the literary heritage of the South. The prize was first awarded in 2012 and is named in memory of 19th-century Southern poet, Sidney Lanier. The prize is sponsored by Western Carolina University and is administered by Mercer’s John Parris Distinguished Professor of Appalachian Cultural Studies, Ron Rash.
The Irving Oberman Memorial Awards were established in 1973 through a bequest from Isabel B. Oberman in memory of her husband, Irving Oberman. These prizes are awarded to Harvard Law School students who submit papers on one of seven current legal subjects. The papers may be written in conjunction with a course, seminar, clinic, or independent study project at the Law School. For more information visit the Oberman Memorial Awards webpage. The Sidney Short Story Prize is an annual competition for short fiction. It is judged by a panel of literary experts. The prize is supported by the Malcolm Robertson Foundation and Overland, a journal of contemporary Australian writing. The winner and two runners-up will each receive $2,500 and their stories published in Overland. The prize is named in honor of the late writer Neilma Gantner. The deadline for submissions is 1 August. See the submission guidelines for more details. The shortlisted stories are published in Overland in September.