MMA betting is becoming increasingly popular amongst sports bettors and is a fun and exciting way to wager on a fight. The sport is similar to boxing but has its own unique set of betting markets and bet types. Some of the most popular MMA bets include moneyline bets, over/under rounds and method of victory bets. In addition to these bets, MMA betting also includes prop bets and parlays (accumulators).
Moneyline MMA bets are the most basic type of MMA betting. These bets are based on the chances that a fighter will win the fight and typically feature a favorite and an underdog. The favorites are considered to be more likely to win the fight and are reflected by their odds which will usually have a minus symbol in front of them while underdogs are reflected by plus symbols.
When making a moneyline MMA bet, it is important to consider the style of each fighter as well as any possible advantages or disadvantages that may result from their fighting stance. For example, a southpaw fighter can often be at an advantage versus an orthodox fighter as the latter is not used to fighting someone with a different stance. In addition, a fighter’s overall experience can be an important factor in their chances of winning.
Another common MMA bet is the over/under rounds total. This bet is based on the number of rounds that are expected to be completed in a particular fight and offers a better chance at winning than straight up bets on individual rounds. In this bet, the over/under round total is set by the sportsbook and then divided by the number of rounds that are expected to be contested in a fight. The difference between the over/under and the vig or juice is then repaid to bettors who make the correct bets.
Bettors should also keep in mind that a fighter’s weight can play a big role in their chances of winning a fight. Fighters who struggle to make weight are at a much greater risk of losing their fight as they will have to go through extreme measures such as starving and dehydrating themselves in order to cut down to the required fighting weight. This can have a detrimental effect on their performance and should be taken into account when placing a bet. Additionally, fighters who are coming off a knockout loss are more likely to become cautious in their approach inside the octagon and can sometimes lose their edge.